Adams birthday was last Tuesday the 14th and we spent the day together going to his favorite restaurants for lunch and dinner and we took a hay ride and picked pumpkins from a pumpkin patch at a big farm here locally. He was a happy boy....
He got a dehydrator from his parents so we have been drying all our herbs from the garden and made our own hot Sage tea tonight...yummy! 
We are getting ready to pick crab apples from the 5 big trees my mom has and dry them for crab apple tea, and jelly and canned candied crab apples.
We will post the final pictures of the green house when it is finished, hopefully this weekend if the rain holds off for a bit.
Its time for bed, the little ones told us to get off the computer and tuck them in. Izzy's pooped, she had a long tough day at work we assume.