Izzy and Rud are keeping warm by crawling into fresh piles of clothes right out of the dryer. They dont like cold weather at all, so they snuggle alot.
The like to sleep on daddys lap while he watches tv.
The like to sleep on daddys lap while he watches tv.
We got the greenhouse done just in time for cold weather. 

Thats all for now, hope everyone is well! Keep warm!
We have two layers of plastic over a frame and straw bales around the parimeter to keep the frost line higher. We have carrots, squash, broccoli, califlower, pumpkins, basil, and about 1,000 tomatoes sprouts although the tomatoes wont make it in the colder nights.
It stays about 80 degrees during the day and gets cool at night but for now is working really well. We just want to see what it can do.
We just had a storm with 50 MPH winds the other night and the greenhouse stood strong, test #1. Cold is next.
Bree got a new car this month. It's a 2009 Honda Fit. Small and gets great milage ( about 35-40 MPG) and it has much more room than the little fairy car. It was a sad goodby to the little show car but its time for a more useful car now.
Thats all for now, hope everyone is well! Keep warm!