In Balance With Nature....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April Showers....

We are busting at the seams! We are almost ready to put everything in the ground in another week or two. We have 34 Tomato plants and 32 pepper plants, basil, lavender, okra, eggplant, watermelons, lemongrass, dill, chamomile and pumpkins.
We have seeded everything inside that needs to be started. We will put squash and beans outside soon too. We cant wait to start eating all of this.
We have a nice lettuce bed that we started eating from yesterday, and the peas and cabbage are a few inches tall now and doing great.

We do have visitors in the garden. A little mouse was sneaking around and a snake was hiding under a bale of straw.

This weekend we are headed south to Mansfield Missouri to the Annual Baker Creek Spring planting festival to stock up on some new interesting seeds and maybe some small fruit trees or berry bushes.

They even have 9'' tall baby goats, Izzy would love a playmate her size!
Maybe next year Izzy....