We are finally ready to plant ! The sprouts are big now and ready to go in the gr
ound. We had to finnish getting the garden ready though. We made two raised rows of soil for the tomatoes so their roots can grow deep and strong and lined them with soaker hoses and then covered them with plastic to keep the soil warm, water in and weeds down. We have space for about 16 tomato plants and one row for about 15 pepper plants.
We also made the same type of row for all the melons.

Our Potatoes are sprouting great and the lettuce bed is already supplying Adam, me and my mom fresh lettuce daily.

The peas are about 4''-6'' tall and starting to climb the trellises we made on our greenhouse frame.
We seeded the beans Monday night and we have about 11 different varieties of beans and about 10 of each variety.
The Cabbage and broccoli and cauliflower are all getting huge and they look really healthy. We are impressed with our twine fence, the deer have stayed away and the parameter of the garden is lined with onions to keep the little rodents out, seems to be working so far, we will plant about 200 more onions this weekend.
We had fun last weekend, we went south to Springfield then east to Mansfield Missouri to the Baker Creek Spring planting festival. They opened at 10 am and we pulled up at 10:15 then sat in a long line of cars for about 50 minutes just to park.

They have some new buildings this year and one is a restaurant. We didn't go in because the line was out the door. It rained all day and people still turned out by the thousands.

Adam picked up some new seeds (the seed store was cram packed)he wanted and he found his volcanic and glacier rock dust he's been looking for. Its great for the soil and add tons of good minerals back to the dirt.

They have a stone oven in the middle of everything baking fresh bread, smelled sooo good.
We also picked up a red raspberry bush. He is a happy boy.
Tomorrow night we are planting all the tomatoes, peppers, melons, okra, and pumpkins. All the herbs we started will be planted in between everything strategically to keep out bad bugs and draw in good bugs to certain plants.
We have been working till dark every night after work and we are tired but excited to see everything coming together so well. (Adam is actually asleep on the couch with Rudiger right now he is so tired. )
I believe it is my bed time too....