Garden is doing great! We are starting to pick something every day! Still waiting on the tomatoes though, they are all still green but abundant! 
We have several watermelons that are getting bigger by the day. This one is our "Moon & Stars" with the big yellow "Moon" and all the little yellow "Stars". They are known to be one of the sweetest.

Sunday we spent the day canning. I had picked 8 lbs of beans a few days before and we needed to get them canned. We got 8 jars of green beans, 4 jars of southern "Chow Chow" made from our cabbages we picked last week and 3 jars of our Jalapenos Pickled. I got Adam a pressure caner and it is awesome.
We have also learned from some mistakes this year, as we do every year.
Dane was a bit to close while burning a pile of dead limbs and was burned on most of his right arm and lower right leg. This picture is 1 week after he was burned. He had to wear gauze completely covering it for 1 1/2 weeks and it is finally looking pretty good today and his pain is gone.
He also learned from a mistake this year.
This is the pesky raccoon that just last night ate the above watermelon and 4 others that were almost ready to pick. We have set out a trap and sprayed a smelly organic mixture around the garden to protect everything else.
We have a ton of Peppers, all still green but will have yellow & red Bell, Jalapenos, and Cayenne.
The Okra has to be picked almost everyday, it grows so fast. We have 5 plants, wish we had more, love Adam's fried Okra!.
Eggplants are all over the place. We have 3 on just this one plant and we have 5 plants. Mom will be making lots of Moussaka this Summer! (Yummy Greek Dish)
Today I started our fall garden. I worked at the hotel Saturday so I took Monday off. :)
I turned the emptied beet bed into the new herb bed. I turned the old broccoli bed into the new beat bed. And I made the old cabbage bed the new fall squash bed.
We have also learned from some mistakes this year, as we do every year.
1) We didn't stagger our plantings every two weeks so that we have a constant yield all summer.
2) We didn't space the tomatoes far enough apart. They are to close together and are very heavy on the trellis. It is also bad if one should get a disease they all get it.
3) We didn't give the watermelons enough room to spread and we put the pumpkins to close to everything. They are taking over!
4) Don't stand to close to a burn pile....