Sunday we built 7 of the 10 raised beds and started plotting out the garden so next weekend (if its nice out and dry) w
e can till and get the onions in the ground. We spent the winter making compost so we have lots of good nutritious dirt to start the season. We also left the frame from the greenhouse up so we can climb the beans and peas on it. We lost the greenhouse to some strong winds back in December. We are doubling the size of the garden this year. The one we had last year will be all tomatoes, peas and beans and the new one will be all raised beds with lettuce, onions, squash, cucumbers, radishes, beets, watermelons etc.
Its still to iffy to plant much right now, this March is colder than normal and we still have the threat of cold nights and frost so we will keep our fingers crossed it will be warmer soon.
Adam is crawling out of his skin waiting to get out and plant. He has all kinds of ideas this year and wants to get started.
The dogs are ready for spring too, they added on a few extra pounds this year. Izzy is now 9 lbs and Rudiger is 20lbs. Fatties.....
They will be happy to start walking again when its warmer.
Uncle Danen comes over and plays with them a lot. Izzy likes to sit right
on top of tummies. Rudiger likes to stand in front of whatever we may be trying to watch.
That all for now. We will be updating more as we get the garden going and can get out more often.
That all for now. We will be updating more as we get the garden going and can get out more often.
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